Speakers Agreement

Please review the following document. In signing it, you, the guest, and Jasmin Manke (LLC), are agreeing to the terms as noted below:


General Terms:

You agree to participate as a guest for this Interview.

You agree the interview will be recorded by Jasmin Manke.

IL agrees to provide the back-end coordination and production for this event, including conference call lines and e-mail reminders to participants.



You agree to do the interview without monetary exchange and agree not to request compensation from Jasmin Manke LLC at any point in the future.


Intellectual Property:

The material you share on your interview is, and will remain, solely yours.

Jasmin Manke LLC owns the recordings and transcripts of the call. Jasmin Manke LLC may re-purpose, re-sell, and re-use your recording indefinitely, and without compensation to you.

You will be provided with a recording of your interview. You are free to re-purpose, re-sell and re-use the interview recording indefinitely, and without compensation to Jasmin Manke LLC. In so doing we ask that you identify Jasmin Manke as the interviewer, and provide a link to our Instagram (@jasminmankecoaching).


Marketing Commitment:

You agree to send 1 email to your list to let them know about the interview (Copy will be provided if you'd like).

If for some reason you are unable to make the above noted marketing commitments, you agree to contact Jasmin via e-mail at [email protected] to make an alternate arrangement.

At least 1, but ideally 2 Instagram story posts directing people to @jasminmankecoaching page to listen to the interview using the swipe up feature if applicable. We can provide a social post image but understand most prefer it to match their theme/content/color scheme so whatever you decide is fine. Social posts provided upon request. Facebook and Instagram is welcomed and encouraged if you want to reach as many as possible to spread the word about the interview!

By checking the box you are agreeing to full compliance with the terms, request, and promises stated above.